Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My prayer

for my Lord!!
excuse me, because what has been You not give me grateful for,,
pardon me if I can not be a good servant to You,,
I do not know anymore, what should I do ..
now I can only pray, let go, without effort ...
sorry it was your servant ..
now, I can only plead with You ...
asked what I wanted it to be achieved ..
only now I remember,,
that you are everything to me ...
more than a boyfriend, friends, parents, and others who I think is important
only now I realize that,
that You are the most important thing today, tomorrow and rivals ...
O Lord help me in this matter :(
These trials make fleeting ..
I do not want this sadness continues through me ..
help me O Lord, thy greatness premises ..
I just hope this ordeal quickly passed ...
although to the end with tears



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