Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ouchh !!Funny Band Aids !I Want This All !!

bolgland,yeah i want a post some funnyyy band aids !!
omg I want all !!

see, the pictures :

I Wants All !!huhu

created by fitra,dont copy this post,or u be a damn copy cat !

Friday, August 27, 2010

some old clothes from my mom !!♥

I'm so glad !!u know why ?yeah,cause i have some old clothes from my lovely mom !! u,u

idk the clothing in used in what year..
but i'm so excited !!wuwuwuwu  

u want see ??okay,lets look my pictures ! 

wuwuw,u know what this ??yeah long skirt,love this ite so much !!

u know what this ??hhehe..this a Rock Cardigan !!
yeah my mom is rock women !!wuu 

yeayyy..Zara Legging,love this 

wuwuwuuwu..this a old shirt,maybe used in 80's !

wow !many ties for me !!thanks mom !

hemm,don't leave a comment for this photo -,-

ochh nooo -,-

see !!!this Stefania Baldo high heels !!
omg mom TYSM !!

yehh and of course i'll not wear those shoes for a travel..
cause...maybe many people say "tua banget itu manusia' LOL

yeaaaayyyy i'm so happy mom..
thank you very much for all item,love youuu so muchhhhhhh !!

♥ loveyaaaaa :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

huhu :"(

heyy :")
saya mau cerita..

oke,ini tetep ttg AP,weks gapenting bgt kan ?

hem,sumpah yaaaaaaaa....gue bingung sama LO !gue udah hampir aja bisa ngelupain LO !sedikit lageeeeeeee....tapiiii,KENAPA LO HADIR LAGI SIH ?hah ?
sumpah ya gue ganyangka lo se gapeduli ini sama perasaan gue.lo dateng lagi di hape gue,sms gue lagi..mau lo apa sh ?cukup ya batin gue sakit waktu itu,dan lo ga peduli kan ?COURSE !cause,lo bukan siapa2 gue..iya gue nyadar ko -,-
lo tiba2 sms gue,cerita...bbm in gue,setiap hari..lo cerita.gue seneng LO bisa deket lagi sama gue :)
tapi kenapa LO baru cerita kalo ternyata CEWEK ITU (I) bukan pacar asli lo..haha,sedikit senang dan ngefly sih,cause ternyata LO ga ada hubungan apa2 sama dia,lega*pasti...tapi maaf,gue udah terlanjur ilfeel sama lo,karena waktu itu..gue udah gapunya rasa apa2 sama lo,hanya sebatas temen smsan..ahaha :P

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


heyyaa bloggieeeee <3

okeokeoke,kayanya sering bet yak gua nge post2 ?padahal gajelas isinya apa,iya ga sih ??
oke  sekarang gue mau ngepost nih tentang twitter.HELLOO...siapa sih yang gak kenal TWITTER ?yep,situs pertemanan yang sekarang lagi naik daun nih *serasaartisbangetlu,siapapun yang gakenal TWITTER,maybe lo bakalan dibilang NORAK kali ya(belumtentujugakok)

oke,tanpa kita sadari,user twitter itu kayanya yang paling banyak Indo deh,why i say that ?yaha,3 hari berturut2 ini gue nge chek TT di twitter : 

liat deh hari pertama,TT nya yang nomor 1 -,-
PACARAN.oke,ini TTudah pasti Indo punya kan ?mana ada bahasa asing pacaran.oh iya,ini juga jadi bukti Indonesia itu paling gakrela JB jadian sama Selena Gomez
TT ke 4 sama ke 7...-,-

ini telat PS,sebenernya TT no 3 itu sempet jadi nomor 1 loh !
must proud !!

Oke ini baru hari ini gua PS,kurang bangga deh..
TT no 1 dan 2 dari bawah,harunya itu no.1 dan 2 !!
gataudehya gua telat PSnya atau emg kea gitu
TT no 3 dan 4 ...mmm

Oke,terbukti kan ?pengguna Twitter itu kea nya yang terbanyak di Indonesia,and sebenrnya buka TT ini doang yang di buat Indonesia,banyak banget males PS nya.wakak

Happy Independence Day 
I'm Proud To Be Indonesia !!

post ini asli buata Fitra Febinandriana ,please DONT COPY my post !!or u be a DAMN COPYCAT !!

Monday, August 16, 2010


aaaa,like Jane style !!!
wiwiw,her cool !
My mom styled all of her brooches (some from her personal collection and most from her store Atlantis Vintage) after this look from the J. Crew fall lookbook. She asked me to wear it and I happily this look!
Worn with Madewell shirt and jeans, thriftstore jacket, and Banana Republic pearls.
Exciting news to share-my mom and I were recently shot by the talented Douglas Friedman for the Nowness. We were thrilled (and I must admit, very nervous) to be working with such an amazing photographer.
likelikelike <3
Douglas was such a pleasure to work with-unbelievably sweet and down to earth. I love his work--see below for some of my favorites from his website. Incredible!
The photos will be up in a week or so...expect to see them soon!

From : Jane Aldrige blog (Sea of Shoes)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fashion ala Tavi Gevinson

Hey para blogging mania..
mau post nih,gataudeh gue sekarang lagi suka bat ngeposting2 sesuatu yang gajelas *apaansih
yep,gua mau posting photoshoot gue di kamar ala Tavi gevinson..u know her ?yup,itu idola gua..cuma beda 1 tahun kok,but her !!u must look deh blognya,udh terkena di semua penjru dunia,trmasuk Indo..haha

uuuuu,like this <3 <3

ini yang paling gua suka,aaa !!simple,kaya school uniform !like

nah sekarang gewe yanggaya ala Tavi
tapi sumpah gak banget !aaaa


like this <3

haha..bad pict,huhu :"(
bodo ah,just for fun ko lagian :P

beda banget ye ?COURSE !!